Jeux d'odorats 2 - Scent discrimination
Jeux d'odorats 2 - Scent discrimination

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Explore the versatility of a dog's sense of smell with "NOSEWORK 2 – SCENT DISCRIMINATION", a DVD featuring scent detection games suitable for both fun and professional training.

1 hour



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Product Description

NOSEWORK 2 – SCENT DISCRIMINATION is a comprehensive DVD that delves into the multifaceted ways a dog’s sense of smell can be harnessed. 

Dogs have an amazing ability to identify and differentiate specific scents from a myriad of others, a skill that can be utilized in a variety of settings. The DVD provides clear and detailed explanations of activities that can be both entertaining and educational for dogs. 

These activities can be introduced as engaging games, enhancing motivation and enjoyment, or as foundational training for professional purposes such as search and rescue operations or police work. 

The DVD focuses on scent discrimination games where dogs are trained to detect and signal specific scents, such as a particular substance, or to recognize an object belonging to a certain person, like their owner, among other similar items. This resource is an invaluable tool for dog owners and trainers alike, offering insights into developing a dog’s natural scenting abilities and strengthening the human-canine bond through shared activities.

Nosework is the quintessential activity that allows dogs to engage their instincts and natural abilities in the most enjoyable way for both the dog and the owner. 

This activity not only entertains but also aids in developing a dog's balance and self-confidence. It fosters a serene and cooperative relationship with the owner, who discovers new insights into their dog's unique capabilities. 

The remarkable potential of dogs in nosework is exemplified by experiences such as those in Angola, where dogs trained by the speaker were able to locate anti-personnel mines buried 20 cm underground for a decade. 

Moreover, a colleague from South Africa shared an account of a dog detecting a mine from 30 meters away. These incredible feats lead us to question why we are surprised by events like Rambo’s excitement when a female dog 4 kilometers away is in heat, as humorously noted in the quote:

The dogs that I trained in Angola were capable of finding anti-man mines that had been buried 20 cm underground 10 years earlier. A South African colleague told me about a dog who had signalled the presence of a mine at a distance of 30 metres. Why then are we surprised about Rambo’s excitement when the female who lives 4 kilometres away is in heat?